Welcome to my new blog...

..and my first post ever!

Although I've had a website, I thought a blog would be a fun place where I could update and add photos without overwhelming my galleries over on my website.

{As a side note, after some rough times with my domain host I dropped my site and am going the free route for a while.  So I now have a really long url and new site in addition to the blog. Update: I have also found that sometimes this free site takes forever to load and then some images are blurry.  While other times it loads just fine.  Ya get what ya pay for :)}

I've put up a link to my site if you are interested in taking a look.  Keep in mind it is under construction, my "events" gallery is still being updated.  I've also put a link to a great blog :).  I'll update with more links in the future.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope this blog provides some good entertainment in the future :)